Hello. Welcome to Grumpy's Screenshot ARC. This is a site that contains screenshots and downloads that are related and non-related to ARC.

These pages are dedicated to my friends.

Please visit the news section.

There are 7 sections in this site, Main, Screenshots, Downloads, News, FAQ, Links and Contact pages.

  • Screenshot page contains most of the screenshots that I have taken during the game and are most are dedicated to others.
  • Downloads section contains the stuff that is and is not avialable from the ARC HQ. I did edit them a bit, so could say that everything here is not available in other places. I placed few of my own stuff also.
  • News section is to tell the viewers the recent stuff that have happened here link new section of the page and etc.
  • FAQ is just there to help people who don't understand or just quries about something.
  • Links are links (duh~!) to/of friends and all of them are connected to the game ARC.
  • Contact page is there if anyone wants to contact me for any reason. Its not just email, you can also chat with me if I'm online. Hope I could be assistful in any way.

Have a nice visit and thanks again for coming to my site. THANK YOU~!

Its basically a chat with operator when he is online